Thursday, October 15, 2009

FDW - Session 21 - Average

Had some decent forms and shapes happen in this session from last week. Got a bit frustrated at the end as you my notice the model changed dramatically. HEEHEE

Attempted to do some portraits. Something I'm normally decent at, failed hard. Couldn't even finish a bad one to post. Need to brush up those skills some more.

Sometimes I wonder now that I don't have a "teacher" or someone to spot things for me, if I'm moving forward in my skill level to "see." With all the comparing I do of myself to other artists, or more accurately, the bar of expectations I've set so far above my head if that's now hindering my progression. Something to ponder on I reckon.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

FDW - Session 19

Horrible run; too rusty. Proportions getting crazy...

Monday, February 23, 2009

BDSM Holy Mountain Temple - Session 1 & 2

Well here is an interesting Life Drawing group. The Holy Mountain Temple, which is a BDSM dungeon as their main business. On Monday evenings they hold a life drawing session. Each week they pick a theme to help the models get into character. My first sessions theme was Humiliation. While the theme was really good, I think the models could have used some more direction. Holy Mountain Temple has only been doing this for about 3 months so some are fairly new I'd assume. More practice and Zaynab who runs Holy Mountain seems open to suggestions for improvement.

The idea may seem tacky to some. I really enjoy seeing two models in outfits and a suggested theme to bring some extra life into life drawing. The props are of course great! Seeing a 50+ year old man on a spank bench is pretty amusing.

One thing I would enjoy and I think would assist in the models getting further into character would be aggressive music playing too. It might be worth filling the atmosphere with additional sounds to accompany the theme.

Session two had the theme of Bullying. The two models did a great job. The woman there tonight (I forgot her name) had done traditional posing previously. She had wonderfully dynamic poses. The men so far have been good but a little stiff (eek, bad pun) and new to the craft.

I've brought a very small sketch book to each of the sessions. It's been a long time since I've done any life drawing that small. Very cramped but to my surprise, some turned out rather nice. The shots are all placed out of order. See if you can guess which one came from what session to see if I did my job right.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

FDW - Session 18

Rough session; lots of mini heads.

Friday, January 23, 2009

FDW - Session 17

Well finally back at the Figure Drawing Workshop again. Between holidays and my car door randomly staying frozen shut, it was hard to make it there the past few weeks.

This session I tried to focus more on getting the face, torso, and pelvis structures aligned properly. I find that my faces have a hard time pointing in the right direction. Simplifying these masses into boxes help orient the features better later. Ron Lemen suggested in his video to use the top of the forehead along with the chin to finding the parallel lines that converge to form the initial orientation for the head box. That tip has been helping.